Python String Formatting

Python String Formatting

Set variable user to string "Alice". Set variable salary to float "200.25".

user = 'Alice'
salary = 200.25

1) C Style String Formatting

In this type of formatting the position of variable inside a string is marked by %X where X is the data type of the operator. The character followed by % indicates the data type. %s -> string %f -> float %d -> Integer (digit)

Since the variable user is a string we specify %s.

print('Hello, %s' %user)
Hello, Alice

Since variable salary is a float we specified its position with %f.

print('Your salary is %f' %salary)

Your salary is 200.250000

Floats can be converted to int or str by using %d or %f

print('Your salary is %d' %salary)
print('Your salary is %s' %salary)

Your salary is 200
Your salary is 200.25


If wrong data type is specified python will automatically convert it. This code will raise error as str can't be converted to int directly.

print('Hello, %d' %user)

TypeError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-6c63a23f0284> in <module>
----> 1 print('Hello, %d' %'0')

TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str

Multiple Variables in a sentence

print('%s\'s salary is %d.' %(user, salary))

Rounding off floats

%.Nf where N is the number of decimal places required.

print('%s\'s salary is %f' %(user, salary))
print('%s\'s salary is %.1f' %(user, salary))

Alice's salary is 200.250000
Alice's salary is 200.2

Dynamic Variable Type Formatting

... continued